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Are there any courses that MSI / MHI students cannot waive? 

While MOST SI graduate courses are eligible to be waived through at least one method, there are a few exceptions. The following courses are not eligible to be waived in any way: 

  • Cohort Building courses (SI 500 / SI 568 / SI 574)

  • Mastery and Capstone courses (SI 699 / SI 697 / SI 698)

  • Career and Internship Courses


Though all other SI courses are eligible to be waived in some way, there is no benefit to requesting a waiver if the course is not either required for your degree or as a prerequisite to a more advanced course. 

How can I access the required forms and assessments? 

No submission is needed to be considered for the Automatic Waivers.


Here is a direct link to the Individual Waiver Review Request Form


All required forms and assessments for Skill-based Waivers are housed on the SI Course Waivers Canvas page. If you do not have access, please write to These are accessible only during the designated waiver periods and for each course, the request form must be submitted before the assessment is unlocked.

I submitted a waiver request, can I change my schedule now?

For a class that has the course to be waived as a prerequisite: 

You will not be able to register for a class if you have not successfully waived or completed the prerequisites. You will have to wait until your waiver has been approved to register for the more advanced course. 


For the class that you are attempting to waive: 

If you will need to complete the course you are attempting to waive, we recommend that you still register for it and later adjust your schedule accordingly if your waiver request is approved.

What if my waiver request is denied? Can I try again? 

Any student not approved for a waiver will be expected to complete the course if it is needed to meet degree requirements or as a prerequisite for another course. Students may attempt a waiver for each class only once during their time at UMSI.


The opportunity to waive a course is not intended to encourage students to seek alternative routes of completing the objectives of the program curriculum during their MSI/MHI career, but rather to provide the opportunity to use previous experience to your benefit.  


Each submission is carefully reviewed based on a set of clearly defined criteria designed to measure for the minimum level of skill, knowledge, and experience that would be expected if the student formally completed the course, much like the grading scale to pass a course. If you are not approved for a waiver, it is expected that you will complete the course rather than trying to prepare for the assessment a second time.


A formal course waiver will not be granted based on completing more advanced coursework with instructor permission. Please connect with your academic advisor as soon as possible if you are concerned about your academic plan.

Waivers, exceptions, permissions, petitions: What’s the difference? 

A waiver is a formal and permanent indicator on a MSI / MHI student’s record that you have sufficiently met the learning objectives of the waived course. A waiver can only be approved through one of the methods described herein. A waiver fulfills the requirement to complete the course both for your degree and as a prerequisite for more advanced courses. Waivers do not count toward the number of required credits to complete the degree. 


An exception, sometimes referred to as instructor permission, may be granted by the instructor of a course to allow a student to take their course without having formally met the prerequisites. This exception applies only to that specific course in that specific term. Even if an exception is granted, the student is still responsible for completing the lower-level course if needed as a prerequisite for other courses or to meet degree requirements. A formal course waiver will not be granted based on completing more advanced coursework with instructor permission. 


A permission, sometimes referred to as an override, is a line entered into the registration system by a member of the Registrar and Student Services Team (or by system automation) allowing a student to register for a specific class in a specific term. This entry overrides any prerequisite and enrollment limitations. These may be entered for a number of reasons and are only valid through the specified expiration date. You will receive an automated email if a class permission has been entered for you that will include the expiration date. 


A petition is a formal request for an exception to an academic policy or procedure due to an extenuating and/or extraordinary personal circumstance, such as an unforeseen medical emergency or a personal crisis. An example may include requesting to take a prerequisite course concurrently with the primary course due to a medical emergency to avoid extending time to graduation. Petitions are one-time exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis. Petitions must be discussed with an academic advisor prior to submission.

Where can I see courses that I’ve successfully waived?  

All course waivers that have been approved and applied to your record should be listed on your degree audit. They will not be listed on your official transcript. 

Please write to if you have any questions about which course waivers have been applied to your record or if you believe there to be an error on your degree audit.

Can I still take the course for credit if I have an approved waiver?

YES! Many students still find value in the comprehensive experience of completing the course, even if they are eligible for a waiver.

How can I provide feedback about my experience with the waiver process?

You can always email When you complete the waiver processes, you will also receive a link to a feedback survey within your decision confirmation email.

Still have questions?

There are several teams here to help!


Please write to with questions about:

  • the waiver process and policies

  • access to the SI Course Waivers Canvas page

  • technical support for an assessment or request form

  • your specific waiver status


Please write to your respective advising team with questions about: 

  • impact or modifications to your academic plan

  • degree progress 

  • program or degree requirements

  • considering a petition

( or

Please write to if you are having issues registering for a course that you have waived or your online degree audit does not reflect your waiver.

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